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Sharp Airlines
Sharp Airlines is a regional airline based in Australia. It operates scheduled passenger and freight services primarily in the state of Victoria, with additional routes to Tasmania and South Australia. The airline was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Hamilton, Victoria.

Sharp Airlines operates a fleet of turboprop aircraft, specifically Fairchild Metroliner and SAAB 340 planes. These aircraft are well-suited for regional operations, offering a balance of speed, capacity, and efficiency. The airline provides services to several regional destinations, including Melbourne, Adelaide, Launceston, King Island, Flinders Island, and Portland, among others.

In addition to passenger services, Sharp Airlines also offers freight transportation, catering to the needs of regional businesses and communities. They provide a range of freight solutions, including express courier services and the transportation of bulky goods.

As a regional airline, Sharp Airlines plays a vital role in connecting smaller communities and regional centers to larger cities. It offers convenient travel options for residents, tourists, and businesses operating in these areas.

It's important to note that my knowledge cutoff is in September 2021, so there may have been changes or updates to Sharp Airlines since then. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's recommended to visit Sharp Airlines' official website or contact them directly.
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