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Skippers Aviation
Skippers Aviation is an Australian aviation company that provides various aviation services, including charter flights, fly-in fly-out (FIFO) services, and aircraft maintenance. The company is based in Perth, Western Australia, and operates primarily in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Skippers Aviation was established in 1990 and initially focused on providing air services to the mining and resources industry. Over the years, it has grown to become one of the leading aviation companies in the region, offering a range of services to different sectors, including corporate, government, tourism, and emergency services.

The company operates a fleet of aircraft, including turboprops and jets, to cater to different travel requirements. Skippers Aviation's charter flights are customized to meet the needs of its clients, whether for business travel, leisure trips, or transporting personnel to remote mining sites.

In addition to charter services, Skippers Aviation operates regular public transport flights between various regional destinations, including Perth, Albany, Esperance, Carnarvon, and Broome. These scheduled flights provide essential connectivity for regional communities.

Skippers Aviation also has an aircraft maintenance division, which offers maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services for its own fleet as well as for other aviation operators. The company's maintenance facilities are located at Perth Airport.

Overall, Skippers Aviation is a well-established aviation company in Australia, known for its charter services, FIFO operations, and commitment to serving regional communities.
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