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Solaseed Air
Solaseed Air was a regional airline based in Japan. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Solaseed Air ceased operations in October 2020. The airline was headquartered in Miyazaki Airport and operated scheduled domestic flights within Japan.

Solaseed Air was established in 2002 and initially started operations as a charter airline. It later expanded its services to include scheduled flights, primarily catering to leisure destinations such as Okinawa, Hokkaido, and Tokyo. The airline operated a fleet of Boeing 737-800 aircraft, featuring a distinctive yellow livery.

Unfortunately, Solaseed Air faced financial difficulties and decided to suspend its operations in October 2020. The airline cited the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel demand as one of the main reasons for its decision to cease operations. As of my knowledge cutoff, there have been no updates on the revival or rebranding of Solaseed Air. It's always a good idea to check the latest news or official sources for any updates regarding the airline.
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