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Southern Air
Southern Air is an air cargo carrier based in the United States. It was founded in 1949 as a passenger airline but later transitioned to cargo operations. Southern Air specializes in providing express air cargo services for various industries, including automotive, pharmaceuticals, e-commerce, and perishable goods.

The company operates a fleet of cargo aircraft, primarily Boeing 737 and Boeing 777 freighters. These aircraft are equipped with specialized cargo handling systems to transport a wide range of goods efficiently and safely. Southern Air serves domestic and international destinations, connecting major airports and cargo hubs around the world.

In 2016, Southern Air became a subsidiary of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, a leading provider of outsourced aircraft and aviation operating services. As part of the Atlas Air group, Southern Air benefits from the network, resources, and expertise of a larger organization, allowing it to offer comprehensive cargo solutions to its customers.

It's worth noting that my knowledge cutoff is in September 2021, so there may have been some developments or changes related to Southern Air since then.
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