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Stobart Air
Stobart Air was a regional airline based in Dublin, Ireland. It operated scheduled services under the Aer Lingus Regional brand and also provided charter services. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Stobart Air has ceased operations.

In June 2021, Stobart Air entered into a liquidation process and subsequently announced the termination of all flights with immediate effect. This decision was made following the collapse of a franchise agreement with Aer Lingus, which was the primary operator for Stobart Air. The termination of the franchise agreement led to the airline's inability to continue operating.

At the time of its closure, Stobart Air operated a fleet of ATR aircraft, primarily ATR 72-600s. The airline had been in operation for over 40 years and was previously known as Aer Arann. It rebranded as Stobart Air in 2014 after a change in ownership.

Please note that there may have been developments or updates regarding Stobart Air since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, so it's advisable to refer to the latest news or official sources for the most up-to-date information.
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