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Sunstate Airlines
Sunstate Airlines, also known as Sunstate Regional Airlines, was an Australian regional airline that operated from 1983 to 2015. It was a subsidiary of Qantas Airways and operated under the QantasLink brand. Sunstate Airlines primarily provided regional air services in Queensland, Australia.

The airline operated a fleet of turboprop aircraft, including the De Havilland Canada Dash 8 series and the Bombardier Q400. It served various regional destinations within Queensland, connecting smaller towns and cities to larger hubs like Brisbane, Cairns, and Townsville.

In 2007, Sunstate Airlines underwent a rebranding and changed its name to QantasLink, aligning its operations more closely with its parent company, Qantas Airways. Following the rebranding, the Sunstate Airlines name was phased out, and all aircraft and operations were branded as QantasLink.

QantasLink continues to operate regional flights within Australia, connecting regional communities to major cities and international gateways. However, the specific name "Sunstate Airlines" is no longer in use as a separate entity within the QantasLink network.
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